
Emily Maude

Co-founder of NOVEMBER

Hi! I’m Emily (she/her) and I’m the lead writer for NOVEMBER. My greatest ambition since as long as I can remember was to be an author but as I’ve grown I realized screenwriting is what I’m really passionate about. I’m currently attending Full Sail University in the Creative Writing program to finally pursue my dream (after many detours). This blog is a way for me to express myself as I enter the big bad adult world.

Fun Facts
  • My cat’s name is Koa
  • I’ve been to 4 countries
  • I’m a pretty decent singer
  • I LOVE glazed donuts.

Jamie Brown

Co-founder of NOVEMBER

Heyo, I’m Jamie (they/he) and I’m a contributor and co-founder of NOVEMBER. I am nonbinary trans-masculine and an advocate/activist for the trans community. While Emily is the lead writer and will be writing most of the articles on the blog, I will the lead on the podcast and any other technical thing we create. I am a graduate of Full Sail University’s Computer Animation program and am currently working as an actor for a super secret project (I’ll tell you eventually I promise). This blog is a way for me to gain experience and try my hand at the occasional post when the feeling arises.

Fun Facts
  • My cat’s name is also Koa
  • I’ve been to 48 States
  • I play 5 instruments
  • I’m a sk8ter boi