
New and Improved

Welcome to the new and improved version of! To all 7 of you who followed us on the first iteration of the website, thank you so much and I hope that you enjoy this new verison just as much. As you can tell. I’ve made some truly massive changes to the look, feel, and…

Losing Your Creative Spark

6.16.20 Emily Writer’s block sucks. If you’ve ever attempted to write a term paper the night it was due, pump out a new chapter of your novel, or even sat down and tried to finish those thank you cards your mom has been bugging you about, then you know. Something about looking at an empty…

Separation in the Time of Corona

05.21.2020 Emily We live in a weird time. Despite the polarization that permeates almost everything we do these days, I think we can all agree on this. The world hasn’t seen a pandemic of this nature in nearly 100 years and no one knows what information to trust or who to listen to. These are…